Cat® Landscape Tillers are designed for breaking up and pulverizing soil, mixing compost or other materials into existing soil, and stabilizing and leveling existing terrain in landscape finish applications. They are ideal for residential, commercial, agricultural, building construction, lawn care and golf course maintenance applications.
Working Width
53.3 in
Working Depth
25-152 mm (1-6 in)
925.9 lb
Working Width
53.3 in
Working Depth
25-152 mm (1-6 in)
925.9 lb
Overall Width
70.4 in
29.7 in
37.6 in
Optimal Hydraulic Flow
42-86 L/min (11-23 gpm)
Optimal Hydraulic Pressure
145-235 bar (2100-3400 psi)
Motor Displacement
38.4 in³
Drum Speed
127 rpm @ 80 L/min (21 gpm)
Number of Hard Face Tines
Required Hydraulics
Standard Flow
Designed for breaking up and pulverizing soil, mixing compost or other materials into existing soil, and stabilizing and leveling existing terrain in landscape finish applications.
Single motor direct drive system is matched to the machine's auxiliary hydraulic system for maximum performance.
Unique spiral tine arrangement provides 10% greater cutting performance over tillers with standard placements.
Tines are hardened for maximum strength, durability and wear life in the toughest soil conditions. The bolt-on design provides quick change versatility and extended work tool life.
Two full-width torque tubes provide rigid structural enforcement of tiller housing. Front torque tube design minimizes hood damage caused from larger rocks.
Arm level indicator provides operator a visual set-up and operating reference with top tiller attachment arms designed parallel to skid shoe.
Adjustable and replaceable skid shoes with three position tiller depth adjustment allows for tilling depth to be quickly adjusted without skid shoe removal.
Serrated steps provide safe ingress and egress from machine cab.