Production of oil and gas in remote oilfields can be a challenge when utility power is not available. The Caterpillar product line of oilfield gas generator sets provides the ideal solutions for this challenge. Engines are designed to run on low to no-cost well site gas without sacrificing on performance. These generator sets allow customers to significantly reduce fuel cost and avoid the expense and logistics of diesel fuel deliveries. Plus, they are designed to withstand the harsh conditions in the oilfield and feature a heavy-duty construction ideal for loading and unloading operations.Cat generator sets are backed by the worldwide network of Cat dealers ready to support your operation with technical support, service, parts, and warranty.G3306B oilfield gas generator set. Ratings: 110 - 135 ekW (138 - 170 kVA) @ 50 and 60 Hz (1500 and 1800 rpm). Configurations available to meet NSPS emission standards in non-attainment areas and configurations available for non-regulated areas.
Maximum Rating
135 ekW (170 kVA)
Minimum Rating
110 ekW (138 kVA)
Emissions/Fuel Strategy
NSPS or non-regulated
Maximum Rating
135 ekW (170 kVA)
Minimum Rating
110 ekW (138 kVA)
Emissions/Fuel Strategy
NSPS or non-regulated
Manifold Type
4.76 in
5.98 in
640.0 in³
Engine Control and Protection
Generator Set Control
EMCP 4.3 (4.4 optional)
Frequency - Speed
50/60 Hz (1500/1800 rpm)
CNG, LNG, field gas, natural gas
Lube Oil System - Refill
12.0 gal (US)
Cooling System - Engine
5.0 gal (US)
145.8 in
60.2 in
73.1 in
7716.0 lb
- Fuel flexibility enables operation on a wide range of gasquality — from wellhead gas to pipeline quality natural gas
- Engine ratings developed to accept low-quality gas downto Cat MN 30 without derate
- Oversized SR4B generator optimized for block load acceptance and motor starting applications
- Package design and fuel flexibility allow minimum sitepreparation and low installation cost
- Heavy-duty base with tow bars and forklift pockets idealfor loading, transport, and unloading operations
- Open-skid configuration designed to integrate drop-overenclosure
- 4-point lifting structure
- Engine ratings developed to accept low-quality gas downto Cat MN 30 without derate
- Oversized SR4B generator optimized for block load acceptance and motor starting applications
- Package design and fuel flexibility allow minimum sitepreparation and low installation cost
- Heavy-duty base with tow bars and forklift pockets idealfor loading, transport, and unloading operations
- Open-skid configuration designed to integrate drop-overenclosure
- 4-point lifting structure
- Superior gas engine transient capability
• 70% G1 ISO 8528 load step
• 50% G2 ISO 8528 load step
- Heavy-duty split core cooling system with low power drawand high ambient capability
• 70% G1 ISO 8528 load step
• 50% G2 ISO 8528 load step
- Heavy-duty split core cooling system with low power drawand high ambient capability
- For North America, configurations are available to meetNSPS standards in non-attainment areas
- Include factory-installed air-fuel ratio control and three-waycatalyst
- Configurations with no air-fuel ratio control and no catalystare also available
- Include factory-installed air-fuel ratio control and three-waycatalyst
- Configurations with no air-fuel ratio control and no catalystare also available
- Tough and durable, built on industry standard G3300 platform
- Rugged design optimized for harsh oilfield environments
- Rugged design optimized for harsh oilfield environments
- ADEM A4 control system provides integrated ignition,speed control, and protection
- Latest EMCP 4.3 controls for integrated engine-generatorcontrol, enhanced functionality, and simplified operatorinterface
- Optional EMCP 4.4 controls enable paralleling of up toeight units
- Latest EMCP 4.3 controls for integrated engine-generatorcontrol, enhanced functionality, and simplified operatorinterface
- Optional EMCP 4.4 controls enable paralleling of up toeight units
− Entire package covered under a one-year Caterpillarwarranty
− Warranty includes all components and content
− Warranty includes all components and content
For any petroleum application, trust Caterpillar to meet your project needs with custom factory generator sets and mechanical packages. Cat engines, generators, controls, radiators, and transmissions can be custom designed and matched in collaboration with our local dealers to create unique solutions. Custom packages are globally supported and are covered by a one year warranty after startup.
- More than 2,200 dealer outlets- Cat factory-trained dealer technicians service everyaspect of your Cat petroleum product- Worldwide parts availability, service, and warranty- Preventive maintenance agreements available for repairbefore-failure options- S•O•SSM program matches your oil and coolant samplesagainst Caterpillar set standards to determine:• Internal engine component condition• Presence of unwanted fluids• Presence of combustion by-products• Site-specific oil change interval
Ownership of these manufacturing processes enablesCaterpillar to produce high quality, dependable products.
For all your petroleum power requirements, visit www.catoilandgasinfo.com.