The C280-8 generator set incorporates years of proven success of the 3600 engine with the latest technology in electronics. The result is a fully integrated solution that is ideal for offshore operations.Ideal applications for the C280-8 offshore generator set are main power on-board drilling and production vessels and platforms.Complete package offerings are MCS type-approved and compliant with IMO Tier II emissions standards, making integration of the Cat C280-12 generator set into the vessel a simplified operation.Cat generator sets are backed by the worldwide network of Cat dealers ready to support your operation with technical support, service, parts, and warranty.Cat C280-8 offshore generator set. Ratings: 2208-2600 ekW (2760-3714 kVA) @ 50/60 Hz (1000/900 rpm). IMO Tier II emissions compliant.
Minimum Rating
3084.0 kV·A
Maximum Rating
3634.0 kV·A
IMO Tier II/EPA Marine Tier 2
Minimum Rating
3084.0 kV·A
Maximum Rating
3634.0 kV·A
IMO Tier II/EPA Marine Tier 2
9031.0 in³
Oil Change Interval
1000.0 h
108027.0 lb
Generator Set Control
Generator Monitoring System (GMS)
11.8 in
Engine Control
Electronic ADEM™ A3
Fuel System
11.0 in
320.5 in
134.1 in
91.6 in
Cooling System - Engine
140.0 gal (US)
Lube Oil System - Refill
289.0 gal (US)
• Cat C280 engines incorporate more than 20 years of proven component reliability and durability from 3600 engines
- Offshore drilling package provides single lift handling- Caterpillar warranty for all packaged components- Includes most ancillaries, ready-to-run package- Easy to handle and install, few shipped-loose parts
For any petroleum application, trust Caterpillar to meetyour project needs with custom factory generator setsand mechanical packages. Cat engines, generators,controls, radiators, and transmissions can be customdesigned and matched in collaboration with our localdealers to create unique solutions. Custom packagesare globally supported and are covered by a one-yearwarranty after startup.
Large variety of factory-installed engine attachmentsincreases application flexibility and reduces installationtime.Testing• Every unit is full-load tested to ensure proper packageperformance• Full range of factory tests and reports are availableincluding performance, torsional-vibration analysis, fuelconsumption, engine, and generator special tests
• Every unit is full-load tested to ensure proper packageperformance• Full range of factory tests and reports are availableincluding performance, torsional-vibration analysis, fuelconsumption, engine, and generator special tests
More than 2,200 dealer outletsCaterpillar factory-trained dealer technicians serviceevery aspect of your Cat engineCaterpillar parts and labor warrantyPreventive maintenance agreements available for repairbefore-failure optionsS•O•SSM program matches your oil and coolant samplesagainst Caterpillar set standards to determine:- Internal engine component condition- Presence of unwanted fluids and combustionby-products- Site-specific oil change interval
• C280 engines incorporate over 20 years of provencomponent reliability and durability from 3600 engines• Large field population in offshore applications providesproven performance, reliability, durability, andestablished worldwide product support network
Visit www.catoilandgasinfo.com to learn more.
- Electronic Unit Injection (EUI) fuel system providesoptimized combustion at any load- Lower specific fuel consumption at part load- Reduced transient smoke and emissions